About The Listening Collective

We believe people are like seeds with amazing potential for growth into their authentic uniqueness as God designs all humans to become. We believe this idea of becoming leads into a fullness of Life, awake and responsive to inner Divine Presence, aware of interconnectedness, and expressive of Love's invitations within relationships. And we believe that spiritual direction/deep listening is vital to this journey of human becoming into fullness.
That's why at Rolling Ridge we are committed to the support and growth of spiritual directors/deep listeners and have created "The Listening Collective" as a member-based hub of personal experiences and resources to enhance your vocation and practice as a spiritual director/companion/deep listener.

Annual Member Benefits
There are three levels available to members each with their own benefits as described

Registration Discounts for selected in-person or online training events related to spiritual direction/deep listening
Monthly E-news/communication
Discount for "EnVision" - intro series to supervision
Annual Fee = $39

Registration Discounts for selected in-person or online training events related to spiritual direction/deep listening
Monthly E-news/communication
Inclusion in Rolling Ridge Spiritual Directors Directory (admin referral purposes only)
Usage of Designated Space at Rolling Ridge
SoulCare Group gatherings
Discount for "EnVision"- intro series to supervision
Discount for Guided Peer Supervision Group
Annual Fee = $169

Registration Discounts for selected in-person or online training events related to spiritual direction/deep listening
Monthly E-news/communication
Inclusion in Rolling Ridge Spiritual Directors Directory (admin referral purposes only)
Usage of Designated Space at Rolling Ridge
SoulCare Group gatherings
Resource Roundtable gatherings
"EnVision" - intro series to supervision
Guided Peer Supervision Group gatherings
Annual Fee = $269